Haii Spacefam44!
Today I wanna share with you guys my recipe for Peach Pie. Technically it is Martha Stewarts Recipe but It's also always how I make my pies!
Welcome if you came here from tiktok, or even if you found this on your own!
Here's a link so you can make it yourself (and save all the reading till later when the pie is in the oven)
-check out Martha Stewarts recipe-
In so many ways Martha Stewart still remains the Queen of homemaking and creativity. I aspire to share us much positivitea and exciting things around the world one day like she does!
But as for the pie, many of you might know this fun fact, I actually don't like sweets. Yes I did go to school to be a cake decorator. I'm still not sure how any of it really makes sense. I guess it's just one of those things that makes me, who I am. Now I know your asking... what about your birthday... well they got me a cupcake this year. I made a solid attempt to eat it lol. Typically I like to come up with more random and exciting things for me. Like the Pizza Cake I made last year. link to my pizza cake below.
So of course the question is why did I even make a Peach Pie if I don't want to eat it? Well this one was made for a family birthday but often times you'll find me baking things just to put a smile on peoples faces. I love cooking and creating amazing things that light up peoples lives!
What is your favorite thing to bake?
Have any requests you would like to see me make soon?? Share them below!!
Thanks Spacefam44!
Spread love and Posititivtea!